Welcome to CRIMENET 2014, the First Workshop on Criminal Network Analysis and Mining.
The workshop will be held in Barcelona, Spain, in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014) on November 10th 2014.

An objective of the event is to create a fully interdisciplinary venue, bringing together scientists from disciplines including, among others, physics, sociology, mathematics, computer science, information technologies, policy and law enforcement agencies. This event is intended to be of particular relevance for some of the conference research topics, namely Social network analysis and mining, Mining social big data, Web mining and its social interpretations, Security, privacy, trust, reputation and incentive issues, Real-time analysis or visualization of social phenomena and social graphs.

Communication media

Mobile phone networks, social network platforms, social media and over-IP messaging systems represent typical examples of the multitude of communication media broadly adopted in nowadays society. One aspect that has vast societal impact is the abuse of such platforms: the possibility that criminals can exploit these communication channels to organize and coordinate their illicit activities has been proved real.

Criminal Networks Structures

Criminal Networks (CNs) differ from well-studied Social Networks in a number of ways, including their size (usually the number of members is low), the lack of knowledge of their structure and organization (information about members and their relations is incomplete) and the different types of dynamics of interactions (digital communications, economic transactions, face-to-face interactions, etc.).

Computational tools

Therefore, in recent years (say, after 9-11-2001) Criminal Network Analysis has grown as an outstanding, almost independent research area. The ability to detect criminal behavior across different interaction media is of paramount importance to avoid abuse and fight crime. For this reason, computational tools and models have been recently proposed to study criminal behavior in online platforms and mobile phone networks.

Call for Papers

The workshop will welcome submissions on topics related to criminal networks. Examples of relevant submissions include, but are not limited to the following topics:

  • - Criminal Network analysis techniques
  • - Community detection in Criminal Networks
  • - Flow of information in Criminal Networks
  • - Visualization techniques in Criminal Networks
  • - Spatio-temporal analysis in Criminal Networks
  • - Simulations and real-case studies of attacks to CNs
  • - Crime on the Web and crimes using the Web


Submitted works have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere and they can come as either full 10-page or short 4-page papersb.

All submitted papers must:

  • - be written in English
  • - contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
  • - be formatted according to the Springer LNCS paper formatting guidelines
  • - be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform).

It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected without review.

The authors can choose to publish their papers along with the main conference proceedings, or withhold such publication for future work considerations.


Welcome and event opening

John Doe


Giacomo Fiumara

Serge Galam

Keynote talk

Passive supporters and opposite feelings for terrorism and criminality: a percolative approach from Sociophysics

Serge Galam

Coffee break

Naruto Uzumaki

paper #1

Understanding Crime Networks: Actors and Links

Fatih Özgül and Zeki Erdem

Naruto Uzumaki

paper #2

The (not so) Critical Nodes of Criminal Networks

Donatella Firmani, Giuseppe F. Italiano and Luigi Laura

John Doe

paper #3

A Literature-Based Approach to a Narco-Network

Jesús Espinal-Enríquez, Jesus Mario Siqueiros-García, Rodirgo García-Herrera and Sergio A Alcalá

Naruto Uzumaki

paper #4

The Spatial Structure of Crime in Urban Environments

Sarah White, Tobin Yehle, Hugo Serrano, Marcos Oliveira and Ronaldo Menezes

Naruto Uzumaki

paper #5

Emergence of Extreme Opinions in Social Networks

Marco Alberto Javarone and Serge Galam

Naruto Uzumaki

paper #6

Using societal impact assessment (SIA) to improve technological development in the field of crime prevention

Gemma Galdon Clavell and Philippe M. Frowd

Program Committee


  • Jisun An (Qatar Computing Institute)
  • Andrea Apolloni (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
  • Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia (Indiana University)
  • Michele Coscia (Harvard University)
  • Martina Deplano (University of Turin)
  • Pasquale De Meo (University of Messina)
  • Bruno Goncalves (Aix-Marseille Universite’)
  • Przemyslaw Grabowicz (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
  • Marco Alberto Javarone (University of Cagliari)
  • Mariantonietta La Polla (CNR Pisa – IIT)
  • SangHoon Lee (University of Oxford – Internet Institute)
  • Jared Lorince (Indiana University)
  • Emanuele Massaro (Carnagie Mellon University)
  • Luca Pappalardo (CNR Pisa – KDD Lab)
  • Nicola Perra (Northeastern University)
  • Giovanni Petri (ISI Turin)
  • Giancarlo Ruffo (University of Turin)
  • Yana Volkovich (Cornell Tech - Barcelona Media Foundation)
  • Claudia Wagner (GESIS – University of Koblentz)
  • Tim Weninger (Notre Dame University)
  • Maurizio Tesconi (IIT - CNR)

Keynote speaker


Giacomo Fiumara
Assistant Professor at the University of Messina, Italy.
Emilio Ferrara
Postdoctoral fellow at the School of Informatics and Computing of Indiana University, USA.
Salvatore Catanese
PhD student in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Catania, Italy.

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Contact Us

Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Viale F. Stagno D'Alcontres, 31
98158 - Messina, Italy

Phone: 0039 090 6765049
Email: crimenet2014 [@] easychair.org